Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Scream

“The Scream” (Norwegian: Skrik), or translated the “Scream”, the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch’s works in 1893. This painting is the famous works of expressionist painting.

Some people think that the work reflects the existential anxiety of modern intrusion was the mood. Red background from the 1883 Indian “nikelaketor” volcanic eruption, volcanic ash into the sky dyed. The location of the painting from the Eck Berry hill overlooking the Oslo Fjord.

There are four versions of the works, which are hidden in the Oslo Munch Museum version (egg tempera, on paper, 83.5 x 66 cm), hidden in the National Gallery’s version (egg tempera, oil painting, pastels, paper, 91 x 73.5 cm), hidden in another version of Munch Museum, and Peter Olson’s collection of versions. The artist made in 1895 for print work to a large number of replication. Since 1994, two versions of which have stolen, but fortunately all recovered.

The group painted a wide range of subjects, to eulogize the “life, love and death” as the basic theme, the use of symbol and metaphor, reveals the human “end of the century,” the anxiety and fear. Munch’s 1893 painting “The Scream”, is this group of paintings is strongest and the most irritating one, is also an important representative of his works. In this painting, Munch to extremely exaggerated strokes, depicting a deformed image of the characters screaming, to the extreme of human loneliness and depression, and before that in the vast universe, feeling the fear, the performance of head . Munch himself had described the origin of this picture:
“One night I walk down the path – the city side of the road, on the other side is a fjord in my bottom. I was tired and ill stop side view towards the fjord – the sun was downhill – the cloud was stained was red, like blood, the same.
“I felt a shrill scream through the heavens and the earth; I thought I could hear the sound of screaming. I painted this painting – painting those same clouds as real blood. – Those colors Scream – This is the ‘life of painting’ in the painting “The Scream”. “(Thomas M. Messer of” Edvard Munch “, Harry N. Abrams, INC, Publishers, NewYork, p. 84. I translated. )
In this picture, there is no hint of any specific images caused by the screams of terror. Center of the screen image of the Thrillers. He seems to come from us, stretched far away to be turned to the railing. He covered their ears, the two barely audible pedestrian footsteps away, can not see the two boats and distant church steeples; otherwise, that the solitude of his tightly wound, might be able to be reduced slightly. The reality completely isolated loners, appears to have been deep inside his own extreme fear and complete conquest. This image is highly exaggerated, deformed and distorted screaming faces, is entirely comic style. That staring eyes and sunken cheeks, reminiscent of the skull associated with death. This is simply the ghost of a scream. “Can only be mad painting,” Munch painting in the sketches once wrote.
In this painting, Munch used to maintain the natural color and a certain degree of association. Although the blue water, brown, the green trees and red days, have been exaggerated expressive, but did not lose its color or less authenticity. Full-color picture is depressing: the thick red blood, suspended above the horizon, gives a sense of foreboding. It conflicts with the sea of purple shadows; the purple stretch far away because of the increasingly gloomy look. The same purple, repeated in Lonely clothes. His hands and head, then left in a pale, pale brown-gray.
No painting is not filled with a sense of instability. Twisting curves of sky and water, and the bridge form of thick, straight, in contrast to a slash. Rotating movement in the whole composition is full of rough, strong rhythm. Elements of all forms of TV drama seems to convey the voice of a shrill scream. Here is a painter can be said of visual symbols to convey the feeling of hearing, the screaming became miserable visible vibration. The acoustic image of the performance of the technique, perhaps with Van Gogh’s masterpiece “Starry Night” in the image of strength and energy performance linked. Munch here to that generated by the screaming of extreme internal anxiety, transformed into a compelling abstract images. So, he will show his emotions on the screen almost to the extreme.

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